A Simple Career Framework
In the midst of COVID-19, many people are searching for what they want to pursue next. As you’re reflecting, I’d encourage a simple model; one that focuses not just on you, but also the organization that you’re applying to.
This framework is a 360 degree view of how you can approach your next opportunity.
It’s no surprise that the road to recovery from COVID will not be easy. Most companies will continue to keep hiring on freeze until there’s greater certainty of our path forward.
As a candidate, it’ll be on you to look far and deep into opportunities to asses how you can contribute.
Let’s explore this framework further.
What are you great at?
These are your core skills. Be as objective as possible. You can like something but not be great at it. And that’s okay, but in this section, write down skills you’re great at.
What are your goals?
This is where you jot down things you’d like to pursue. If there’s a significant gap between your skills and your goals, find a way to bridge them. If it’s lack of experience, then find a way to obtain it by doing side projects. If it’s lack of expertise, then learn it.
Bottom line: fill in the gaps wherever you can. But recognize it will take time to achieve your goals… If it’s easy to achieve them, then you didn’t set the right goals.
What does the company need?
Too often people just apply for roles. Mobile apps make one-click applications easy to submit; that process isn’t high intent and doesn’t lead to success when sourcing opportunities.
Try to connect with people that work at that company; find a way to be a resource to them if possible.
Align yourself to the company needs.
I can’t stress this one enough. If you your skills and goals are misaligned with the company, then you’ll either get passed up or find yourself in a job you dislike. In either case, this scenario is sub-optimal.
Next few months will be challenging for many candidates, but having a simple career framework will help provide clarity and reduce anxiety on what to ultimately pursue.